Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1316 Returning To Devil Maw Island (24)(Chapter Preview)

Blackbeard\'s method of hiding the treasures was different from the others.

He would never hide his treasures in a fixed location in a certain plane.

Because he was very clear ... Time was a pair of omnipotent hands. It could turn love into hatred, comedy into tragedy, dreamer into snobby, of course ... It could also turn the land into the ocean, mountains into lakes, or an Island ... Into five smaller islands.

Once the location of the treasure had a geographical change, the treasure might be exposed on its own, or there might be some unpredictable distribution and movement.

Blackbeard definitely did not want his treasure to be in such a state. Therefore, he had decided to "hide it in a different dimension and leave someone to guard it".

There were many benefits to this method:

First of all, no matter how the external environment changed, the interior of the dimensional space would not be affected.

Secondly, even if an outsider found the entrance to the space, it would be useless if they didn\'t know the way to open and enter.

Third, even if an outsider managed to enter the space where the treasure was hidden, there would still be powerful guards guarding it.

Blackbeard had also considered the possibility of "the guards embezzling the treasure for themselves," so he only arranged one guard in each treasure ... Anyway, there was only one guard. If they really betrayed him, Blackbeard would only need to find this one target.

In addition, Blackbeard had also set a special rule. Anyone who had the ability to find and enter the treasure space could take three treasures after being "tested" by the guards.

Please take note that it \'s\' accepted \'and not\' passed \'... In other words, as long as you\' accepted \'it, you\'ll definitely be able to get the treasure.

When brother Jue and Xiao Tan first entered the hidden treasure space on planet rabbit, this was not what brother bunny hair had told them, was it?

Now, it was time to reveal the truth. Actually, brother fa was just \'acting\' at the time, and his acting was so good that even Feng bujue was fooled by him ... Until now, brother Jue still did not know the real situation.

In truth, all of this ... Was a "psychological attack" that Blackbeard had set up.

Blackbeard understood that the person who could find and enter his treasure space must have gone through a lot of hardships and had a certain level of strength. When faced with such a group of people, if you let the guards tell them,"everyone, go back, I\'m here to guard you," it was likely that this group of people would fight to the death, or try to escape in the situation where their efforts were futile, go back, and accumulate strength to make a comeback.

However, if you asked the guards to tell them,"although I can\'t let you take all the treasures, I can give you a chance to challenge me. Let\'s spar under relatively safe rules. If you win, I\'ll let you take three treasures"... Then, the other party would most likely agree.

After all, Blackbeard\'s guards were generally first-rate powerhouses in the multiverse, and treasure hunters with a little bit of insight and intelligence would not rashly fight them.

Moreover, Blackbeard\'s name was enough of a deterrent. Even if the treasure hunters really had the ability and intended to kill the guards after paying a painful price and take all the treasures, they would have to think twice ... If Blackbeard came to settle the score in the future, would they be able to take it?

After a few calculations, it was already a pretty good result to be able to take three things from the treasure without harming his life and retreat in one piece ... At least it was better than "returning empty-handed".

Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons of this not-so-complicated matter, most people would choose to challenge the guards. Blackbeard had also instructed the guards to try their best to "defeat the enemy with a combat power slightly higher than the enemy\'s upper limit", so that the treasure hunters would feel that they had "won by luck" and have the illusion that "they had already made a profit by obtaining three treasures." This way, they would be willing to leave behind the "items that can open the dimensional space" in their hands and leave without returning.

One could say that ... Blackbeard \'s\' defense strategy \'was well-planned, and he had taken into account the psychology of the treasure hunter. Even Feng bujue had fallen into his trap.

With this strategy, the burden on the guards was greatly reduced, and the safety of the treasure was further improved.

As for the guards \'so-called "free take of three items," there was no doubt that it was a lie. If it was really "free take," then the entire Queen Anna\'s revenge could be considered as "one item" taken away.

The guards would not specifically point out to the treasure hunters that "a ship is also an item", let alone tell them ..."There is a secret \'inner space\' in this space, and all the \'good things that can not be handed over\' are hidden in there."


"I found it ... It\'s here ..." Blackbeard stopped and looked at the crystal ground under his feet.

It had been 20 minutes since he fought ambitionist.

During this time, Blackbeard and his subordinates had already crossed the Narrow Sea between the North and Middle islands. They had also quickly traveled a long distance in The Crystal Maze.

"If you knew the location ... Why didn\'t you come over from the air? Or should we sail around the North Island and directly land on this Island?" Frenzied eye asked impatiently after Blackbeard finished his sentence.

"Nonsense, do I need you to teach me this?" Blackbeard replied in a matter-of-fact tone,"the problem is ... Before I set foot on this Island, I didn\'t know where the entrance to the treasure was." He paused and explained,"back then, there wasn\'t such a crystal-covered area on the devil\'s mouth Island. Back then, devil\'s mouth Island ... Wasn\'t divided into five parts like this, and the landscape of each part was completely different from what I remember. I could only walk around the island until I sensed the seal I left on the \'entrance\'. Only then could I determine its location. "

When he said this, frenzied eye also understood and read,""Oh, no wonder you suddenly sped up after stepping on this \'Nakajima\'. So it\'s because you\'re already close to the \'sensing distance\'?"

"It\'s not just a matter of \'distance\', it also has something to do with the time I\'ve been on the ground ..." Blackbeard said."Well ... Forget it, it\'s hard to explain it to a rough man like you ..." He seemed too lazy to continue talking, and casually waved his hand, signaling mark big hoof to come over.

"Captain, do you have any orders?" Big hoof was also very obedient, and he quickly trotted to Blackbeard.

"Crush the crystal under your feet and then cut it open." Blackbeard said as he turned around and took a few steps.

"Uh ... How deep do I have to dig?" Big hoof lowered his head to look and asked.

"So deep that I tell you to stop." Blackbeard said.


After nodding, the half-orc Pirates began to move ...

His four hooves were not decorations. The strength of his stomps was enough to split gold and stone. The broken crystals that he dug out with his hooves flew in all directions, forcing Blackbeard and the others to retreat seven to eight meters.

About 30 seconds later, hoofs "stomped" on the ground and created a one-meter deep pit.

"That\'s enough," Blackbeard also called out at this moment.

When hoof big heard this, he immediately stopped his actions and stood in the pit, looking at his Captain.

Blackbeard did not say much. He took a step forward and jumped into the pit. He took out a small piece of white material from his pocket. Upon closer inspection ... It was a small section of a human finger bone.

"Agulo ... hah ... Muchii ..." Blackbeard clenched his finger bone in his fist and raised his arm. He then softly chanted an extremely obscure incantation.

Immediately after, a "buzzing" sound of runes surging came from the ground. At the same time, a golden light gushed out from the bottom of the crystal, which happened to surround the hole that hoof big had dug.

"All of you, come in," Blackbeard had just turned his head and said these words to neesru and the others a few meters away when he and the big-hoofed figure suddenly disappeared.

Seeing this, neesru, VOG, and mark thick-neck exchanged a look, and then walked into the golden light together with Mad Eye.


The cave where the treasures were stored did not need any lighting equipment, because there were many magical artifacts that could light up almost indefinitely.

Blackbeard, frenzied eye, neesru, mark hoodlum, mark thick-neck, and Mr. VOG passed through the entrance of the dimensional space and entered this place.

When he arrived at this place, Blackbeard finally felt a sense of deja vu that he had not felt for a long time.

In the outside world, everything had changed. Only this place was no different from 300 years ago ... Before he left this universe.

Well ...\'Identical\' might not be accurate.

Although there were not many changes, there were still some. For example ... The guard he had left here, the "son" he had mentioned, had disappeared without a trace.

In its place was a stranger wearing a monk\'s robe, his entire body hidden in the strange shadow under the robe.

"It\'s been a long time, Blackbeard," At this moment, twenty-three used his original voice to speak to the other party. At the same time, he took off the hood on his head.

"Master!" Before Blackbeard could reply, Mad eye\'s eyes widened in shock."You ... You\'re a woman?"

"Hmph ..." Seeing Mad eye\'s reaction, Blackbeard just sneered."You don\'t even know if the other party is a man or a woman, and you\'re already working for her?"

"After seeing red ring\'s fate, he had no other choice." Twenty-three answered the question on behalf of Mad Eye and then said to Blackbeard,"I believe ... If you\'re smart enough, you\'ll make the same choice as him soon."

"Oh?" Blackbeard said,"do you think ... I\'ll be like mad Eye ..." He thought for half a second and continued,"and like Wesden, tureus, iedionte, and the others ... Bow down to you?"

"Ha ..." No. 23 laughed. Her laughter, tone, and expression when she said the next sentence ... Were all like another person."... Who knows?"

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