The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 584: The truth behind the scenes

Chapter 584: The truth behind the scenes

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

Viewing that his Symbolic sword unexpectedly couldn’t cut through a fleshy hand, Little Lord Fokke fumed out.

"Ye, have been feigning, all this while!"

Sheyan slowly stood up with his head still inclined down. His eyes were covered by his hair, but his body was exuberating an exceedingly bewildering baleful aura!

One could clearly observe, the black gaseous strands emitted from Little Lord Fokke were hovering around Sheyan’s mouth, nose, ears and eyes. Instead, they appeared like dew on a lotus leaf, seemingly unable to pervade in.

"Ah, you got it right. My painstaking contemplation and forbearance in arranging layers of plans……everything, was all in anticipation for this moment!"

"Today is the lowest and weakest point of your life, Mr Fokke. You shall surely die by my hands!"

At this instant, the clouds above dispersed away as the bewitching and deathly pale moonlight cascaded down onto Sheyan’s body.

Instantly, something weird occurred.

Sheyan’s clothes shockingly turned wretchedly tattered, seemingly shredded apart by the ravages of time, scattering out speckles of dust along the sea breeze.

Even weirder, was an eerie white skeletal hand that now grasped around his saber shaft. Only dried up and tough tendons connected the finger joints!

Indeed, Sheyan had actually morphed into a skeleton under the illuminating moonlight!

No wonder Little Lord Fokke’s epidemic disease was totally incapable of harming him! His purposeful actions of coughing blood came from ‘acting props’ like prepared blood bags, all for the sake of conducting a marvelous performance!

Looking back, Sheyan’s ploy had actually commenced when he had first arrived at Tortuga.

That was a time where he still didn’t know that the ‘Dead Sea Scroll’ would point him towards Little Lord Fokke.

Nevertheless, he was deeply aware of the irreconcilable conflict that existed between him and that redoubtable existence!

Firstly, in the perspective of his own interest, he definitely desired to unseal the ‘Diary of Morgan Fokke’. The hidden secrets concealed within it could possibly unearth the deepest mystery residing in this world. Sheyan was all along extremely hopeful of acquiring another legend level, of which its benefits didn’t require elaborating. Yet to unseal this diary, he undoubtedly had to contest against Little Lord Fokke.

To Little Lord Fokke, even though Sheyan didn’t intend to seek him out, that exact sentiments definitely didn’t wasn’t reciprocated. The hatred of murdering one’s wife definitely paled in comparison to one who committing adultery with one’s wife. Despite so, the deep affection between Little lord Fokke and his wife caused his inability to compromise on this hatred.

Therefore, Sheyan had already made two nemeses in the Pirates of the Caribbean world right from the start. The first was Ammand and the second was Little Lord Fokke.

Both nemeses offered their own distinctive threats to Sheyan, and were both immensely severe.

Based on overall might, Ammand had presently raised himself as the largest force of the Black Sea pirates. In comparison to Little Lord Fokke’s destituted family, his overall might was ten folds greater.

However, in terms of individual battle power, Little Lord Fokke was at least ten folds amplified that of Ammand!

Ten years ago, the redoubtable Little Lord Fokke had brazenly slaughtered into the legendary Black Pearl, relying on his diabolical epidemic disease to commit wanton homicides before retreating.

Ten years later, Sheyan had personally witnessed the deadliness of Little Lord Fokke in Jiejie’s golden tent. Such deadliness could only described as pure terror. The potency of his Black Death once recklessly propagated, could overcome the apertures of space and easily kill with a snap of the fingers!

Such terrifying battle powers could probably be considered near the peak of the Pirates of the Caribbean world.

Fortunately, there was no chance for both parties to collaborate. Otherwise, Sheyan could only flee like the wind.

In truth, Sheyan had been constantly pondering this matter ever since his encounter with Little Lord Fokke in Jiejie’s tent. Exactly what was the extent of Little Lord Fokke’s strength?

Through the display in the golden tent, the killing elements of Little Lord Fokke was focused on his epidemic disease and malevolent chilliness. After Sheyan managed to uncover some truths pertaining to the past war between the Black Pearl and the Fokke family from Joshamee, he started making bold assumptions.

Could he affirm this one matter - was the invincible Lord Fokke only adept in those two aspects?

Harboring such suspicions, Sheyan began his investigations and realized his assumption was very possibly correct.

From there, Sheyan could make a further inference.

Little Lord Fokke was adorned in full body knightly armour, but this posed another clear question - The flesh beneath the armour would be very susceptible to damages, which could even be fatal damages. Otherwise, why would he be wearing such full body armour? It clearly affected his personal movement speed. Just recall the undying feral gents of the Black Pearl. They were all wearing sleeveless shirts and didn’t wear even a single piece of leather vest. Some of them even remained bare bodied!

Thus, the biggest question before Sheyan was, what method could substantially reduce or negate the pandemic disease and frost attacks of Little Lord Fokke?

At first notice, Sheyan had immediately thought of the curse of the Aztec gold! The frightening curse that transformed the Black Pearl pirates into undying skeletons!

However, that curse was still completely foreign to Sheyan then. Furthermore, his military rank was still limited, and was unable to investigate relevant information even if he was willing to fork up a large sump of utility points. Whether that curse could affect contestants or the extent of its effects, everything was an unknown.

Fortunately, Sheyan was still in possession of a magnificent item he reaped from the realm war previously! That was the ‘Unmodeled Amnio-tank’. That meant that even if Sheyan guessed wrong about the curse and a grave error resulted, it wouldn\'t go as far as being a single slip that caused an everlasting sorrow; leaving him without the chance of a comeback.

Thus, Sheyan decided to gamble. More crucially, it was a gamble he could afford to lose!

Back when he was about to reach for the stone chest of Aztec accursed gold from the Black Pearl’s treasure trove, the nightmare imprint had precisely notified him……he mustn’t touch the gold coins without putting gloves on. Otherwise, it would result in untold fatal consequences.

After hesitating for a brief while, Sheyan had directly reached his hand in without any protective measures! He had grabbed a single Aztec accursed gold coin!

At that moment, he instantly felt an unexplainable sensation transmitting through his body. Furthermore, he had also started hallucinating.

He hallucinated of illusory stars, as titanic feathered serpents soared through space. Illusions of pyramids being constructed on the earth. The glory of Apollo being illuminated on earth. The majesty of the Aztec Kingdom was sung and praised through millions of mouths.

Within a flash in Sheyan’s hallucination, millions of souls had abruptly emerged and orbited over the gold coins. He could see remote wails and blood-curdling screams, merciless bloodshed and the insanity of a tyrant!

Such hallucination sensation was exceedingly torturous and testing to one’s mental state. It was akin to stretching one’s mental state like a rubber band, stretching to its limits then loosening, stretching again then loosening. It was truly a sensation of one’s mind crumbling completely.

At that point in time, Sheyan had gritted his teeth and endured the splitting headache for only 5 seconds. He had actually felt a fatal crisis coming his way, and consigned to his contingency of having to activate the ‘Unmodeled Amnio-tank’.

Fortunately, a sudden pulse of warmth abruptly ascended from his chest. Soon after, he could see an edifice resembling a palace atop a mountain peak, surging down as it covered his illusory skies. Then, it viciously slammed down onto his hallucinatory world, while remaining motionlessly imposing. From then, those sinister and terrifying illusions of miserable howls could no longer shake Sheyan’s mental fortitude.

That situation lasted for approximately 30 seconds. Then, when that curse seemingly couldn’t find a way to crush Sheyan, his nightmare imprint had transmitted a list of notification.

[ You are inflicted by the Aztec’s final curse (weakened by your ability ‘Stronghold’) ]

[ This is a curse placed by the last ruler of the Aztec Empire, Montecuhzoma. During the ancient past, the gave Aztecs 882 identical pieces of Aztec gold to the conquistador Hernán Cortés as blood money paid to stem the slaughter of the Aztec citizens. But instead, Cortés violated his promise after receiving this gift and continued his wanton and avaricious devastation of Aztec folk. In response, the heathen gods placed a curse upon the gold - any mortal who removed a piece of the gold from the chest would be punished for eternity ]

[ Aztec’s final curse: You will plunge into a semi-undying state - Effects of diseases, bleeding, pertify, charm, frostbite, dark element damages, or any controlling effects will be reduced by 99%! All damages received will be reduced by 50%. However, these aforementioned effects are ineffective on contestants. (Due to the resistance of an unknown source, this property has gone into effect ) ]

[ Semi-undying state: Exposure to moonlight will project you as a skeletal image ]

[ You lose all sense of smell and taste. Any medicine will lose its effect on you, inclusive of honorary dosages. During the duration of this curse, you will not receive any utility and potential points from completion of mission. Dead storyline characters will only drop key storyline items/ mission items that you require, but will not drop equipment/ utility points/ ability scroll loots etc ]

[ Once this curse flares up, one of your basic attribute will be deducted by 3 points. For every 24 hours this curse remains on you, a random 1-2 points of basic attribute will be deducted. However, deducted attribute points will not affect the relevant bonus attribute properties/abilities you have already acquired ]

Upon browsing through the notifications, Sheyan wasn’t surprised at all. Moreover, his agility was instantly deducted by 3 points after the curse flared up.

Nevertheless, he felt all these would be worth it if he could eliminate Little Lord Fokke. All along, he believed that his harvest from that would vastly exceed what he would lose!

One thing to take note, this curse was weakened by Sheyan’s ‘Stronghold’ ability. If others desired to rely on this curse for benefits, that wouldn’t be very plausible.

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