QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System

Chapter 136 I Became The Top Cultivator With My Harem Of Beauties Beside Me 9.0

Once He Yuan was fairly familiar with the set of moves, he stopped practicing. There were hundred moves but he stopped at thirty, Mo Sheng\'s muscle memory would handle the rest.

His eyes drifted to his arm. The injury he\'d sustained in the arena had completely closed up when he was mediating at the Alchemy peak and he was only just remembering he\'d been injured by Shen Mianmian in the first place.

He waved the sword left and right before placing it in its sheath by his waist. Since Mo Sheng hadn\'t gone over to the Sword mountain to pick a sword due to his lack of cultivation talent, elder Mo had called in a favour and made the peak master of the Weapon crafting peak craft his disciple two low grade swords.

Even if elder Mo had tons of high grade weapons, he couldn\'t possibly give one over to Mo Sheng as the little bit of spiritual power Mo Sheng possessed would not be enough to control a sword above low grade.

One of the low grade swords that had been crafted had been abandoned at the arena the day before when He Yuan transferred over to this realm. He had no idea what was going on then and had honestly forgotten to grab the sword before leaving.

There was no need to go searching for it now. He was pretty sure the sword had been destroyed by Shen Mianmian\'s admirers out of spite. It was a low grade sword anyways, no cultivator past the early stage of Qi gathering would want it.

The sun was beginning to rise so He Yuan wiped his sweat and took out his lotus artifact. Mo Sheng woke up in the middle of the night everyday to begin his journey to the Martial arts peak in order to arrive early. He still could not get over the fact that Mo Sheng punished himself so hard.

Now that He Yuan had a teleportation artifact, there was no reason to suffer or begin his journey so early. He thought back to the events that had happened earlier and shuddered.

It was a certified fact that Mo Jiu had a few screws loose but what happened earlier was borderline creepy. He Yuan shuddered again.

His mind drifted to the fact that 888 had appeared in his hallucinations but he shrugged it off, knowing fully well that it was purely the effect of the aphrodisiac.


The transportation artifact was thrown in the air. Next, He Yuan hopped on and began heading in the direction of the Martial arts peak at low altitude.

By the time He Yuan arrived, the inner disciples were already lined up and ready to begin. He was almost late. He was most comfortable riding at low altitudes so it had been quite difficult trying maneuver the lotus artifact through the forest.

He\'d crashed a few times along the way so he had to take extra time to arrange himself and pull out dried leaves from his hair in order to look presentable.

The peak master of the Martial arts peak narrowed his eyes at He Yuan. The man was dressed in gray robes and had a long black goatee with streaks of gray within. His expression at that moment was so frightening, He Yuan was a little dumbfounded.

It wasn\'t as if they were all waiting for Mo Sheng to arrive. They always began with whoever was present and disciples who were late joined in line when they arrived and received their punishment later.

It looked as if they were about to begin that meant He Yuan wasn\'t exactly late so what was the peak master so dissatisfied with him for?

He Yuan quickly cupped his fists in front of him and lowered his head slightly. "Peak master."

"Humph!" The peak master snorted with a disapproving sneer and looked the other way.

He Yuan scratched his nose in embarrassment as he walked over to his spot on the line. This was the first time Mo Sheng was ever almost-late and yet the peak master was being so difficult. Why is it that people always paid more attention to ones mistakes?

The old man made it look like he was angry that He Yuan arrived just in time. Would he have been pleased if he\'d arrived late so he could mete out punishment?

Mo Jiu watched all this from his position at the other end of the line. Mo Sheng always arrived earlier than everyone else, even when he had to walk all the way here from the Converging peak. What was different today? He suddenly smirked and used his spiritual power to send a message to He Yuan\'s ears.

He Yuan had just unsheathed his sword and assumed his stance when a soft and eerily seductive whisper sounded by his ear.

<<That little problem of yours must have taken a really long time to handle da~xiong~>>

He Yuan felt his blood boil in rage as soon as he heard the gloating in Mo Jiu\'s words. He knew the idiot had misunderstood him again. Mo Jiu had managed to anger him more times in mere hours than he\'d ever been angered by another person in his entire life.

He pretended not to hear Mo Jiu\'s words and focused on carrying out each move to almost-perfection.

The Duoluo sect martial arts moves was a set of hundred consecutive sword stances. Once done in perfect timing, it produced a results that was both deadly and visually appealing.

He Yuan felt like he was on clouds as he performed the moves. Seeing the other disciples practicing the moves with their spiritual power made him see the true beauty of the sword moves. It was breathtaking. It was a shame that Mo Sheng\'s cultivation was sealed.

The inner disciples were required to practice the moves hundred times each morning so by the time they were all done, it was late morning. The other disciples looked refreshed like all they did was stroll in the park but He Yuan was sweating bullets and trying to take in large gulps of air with his hands on his knees.

The surrounding disciples frowned at him in disgust but he paid them no mind. He needed to breathe. Those sword moves were not for the faint hearted!

Mo Sheng was just a step above being pure mortal so that made it harder for him to accurately get the hundred moves without straining himself.

"Brother Jiu." A female disciple called out as she held out an embroidered handkerchief in front of Mo Jiu. "This handkerchief was embroidered with the feathers of the golden eagle, it is very hard to catch and usually takes three cultivators in Nascent soul." She lowered her head shyly. "I- I noticed your forehead is a little damp."

He Yuan looked from the female cultivator, whose face was covered in sweat, to Mo Jiu, who looked like he had just stepped out of an air conditioned room, and he was dumbfounded. He quickly looked away. It was none of his business.

"Jiu-gege." Another disciple -a male this time- called out as he held out a jade jug to Mo Jiu. "This jug is filled with spring water from the Kunlun fountain. It is exclusive to my Fang clan and it only produces spring one day every three years. The water is very beneficial for cultivation. Why don\'t you use it to quench your thirst?"

He Yuan\'s eyes widened. He\'d heard of the spring water from the Kunlun fountain in the original storyline. Was it really okay to use such precious resource to quench thirst? Wow. He looked away again. Out of sight, out of mind.

Mo Jiu took the golden handkerchief and the spring water from both disciples and stored them in his interspatial ring when he noticed He Yuan\'s constipated look, he smiled in pride.

The two Mo Jiu pleasers walked away shyly as they giggled to themselves. He Yuan nearly puked blood. What sort of cultivators were those? Cultivators were supposed to gather treasures for rainy days but those two decided it would be better to it over on a platter to a man that would never exclusively belong to them.

He Yuan shook his head again. From the quality of their robes, it was obvious that those two had high positions in prominent clans. He looked away for the third time.

"Jui-ge!" Shen Mianmian called out excitedly as she rushed over to hug Mo Jiu\'s arm. She\'d been waiting at the foot of the Martial arts peak since she arrived as disciples from other sects were forbidden from watching when a different sect practiced their sword moves.

She looked to He Yuan standing further away with his hands on his knees and her face scrunched up in disgust. How on earth had she been betrothed to such trash? She quickly patted her chest. It was a good thing the engagement was called off. She would have ended up quite miserable with such a useless dao partner.

As soon as Shen Mianmian made a move to take out something from her interspatial ring, He Yuan straightened and turned away. He took out the lotus artifact and hopped on.

He had a pile of things to do that didn\'t involve watching absolutely smitten cultivators hand over their treasures and souls to Mo Jiu on a platter of their everlasting love.

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